There are currently two allotment sites within Bishopstoke Parish, one in Jockey Lane and the other in Underwood Road. Each site is managed on a day to day basis by a small committee of volunteers under the direction of Council Officers. For more information about allotments please email
We have been waiting for two more allotment sites - one at Sewall Drive, by the Cemetery off Stoke Common Road, and the other at Bow Lake Gardens off Church Road. However there have been substantial delays in these sites being finished and passed to the Borough Council from the developer, which means that they have not yet come to the Parish Council. As a result of the delays and other problems we are currently not accepting applications for those sites.
To apply to go on the waiting list at either Underwood Road or Jockey Lane please use the online application form or contact us directly by emailing or call 07444 798083 and leave a message. Details about each individual site, including the current waiting time, are available via the links above.
Each allotment site may have slightly different rules as to who is eligible for a plot. Currently Jockey Lane is the most restricted as that currently has around a three year wait before someone reaches the top of the waiting list. All waiting times are approximate but we do our best to monitor them.
Jockey Lane - To be eligible you must be a resident of Bishopstoke.
All other sites - To be eligible you must live within 3 miles of the boundary of Bishopstoke.
You are allowed to have other people help you with your plot, but for safety reasons we ask that you provide the Council with a list of names of those who have permission.
The current rent is £12 per rod per year, or £9 per rod per year for those tenants aged 70 or over The Parish Council will review the rent annually and rental demand letters will be sent to plot holders each September. Payment is expected to me made online via BACS although we do still accept cheques. Unfortunately we can no longer accept cash payments.
From 1st October 2023, any new tenancies are only granted upon receipt of a deposit of 1 year's full rent (before any discount is applied).
Jockey Lane has 35 plots, a toilet and running water.
Underwood Road, has around 140 plots, a toilet, shop, kitchen and running water.
Sewall Drive is expected to have around 30 plots, a kitchen, toilet and running water.
Bow Lake Gardens is expected to have around 40 plots including a number of raised beds suitable for wheelchair users and others with difficulty bending down to the ground.

Once you reach the top of the waiting list you will be offered the next available plot. You can choose not to take up the offer if you wish, and you would remain at the top of the list. Most plots now are around 125 metres squared (5 rods) although some are slightly smaller and there are still some that are double the size. Should you wish to add a second plot you will go back onto the waiting list at the bottom and in due course be offered an extra plot.
Ordinarily no person may be allocated more than 10 rods in total within Bishopstoke. However, if a plot holder at Underwood Road wishes to increase their holding, and the waiting list is empty, they will be able to apply for extra plots to a maximum total of 20 rods overall.
Any holder who has been allocated two physically separated plots of 5 rods will be given first refusal on any plot neighbouring one of their allocations. They will be given the opportunity to relinquish one 5 rod plot in order to have their plots closer together and the plot given up will be allocated to the next on the waiting list.
Applicants will be given the opportunity to view their plot before taking it on. However, if the plot is refused by the applicant without good reason (to be determined at the discretion of the Clerk) they will be returned to the bottom of the list if they wish to remain an applicant

The Avian Influenza Prevention Zone housing measures for poultry and captive birds in England and Wales have now been lifted (as of 18th April 2023), but the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone mandatory biosecurity measures remain in place across GB. Bishopstoke is currently not within any Protection Zone or Captive Bird (Monitoring) Control Zone and so birds are no longer required to remain housed.
This situation is subject to change and we recommend keeping up-to-date by regularly checking the Parish Council website and the government websites linked to below.
More information is available on GOV.​UK by clicking here.
To see an interactive, zoomable version of the map please visit the APHA Interactive Map page.
For the latest information about restrictions please visit the government's bird flu page.
Allotment agreements, rules and other useful files
Starting October 2023 - Allotment Deposit Scheme
Anyone taking on an allotment after 1st October 2023 will need to pay a deposit equal to one full year's rent on the plot. When the plot is surrendered any work required to bring the plot up to the expected standard will be paid for from this deposit. Any remaining funds will be refunded to the retiring tenant.